Saturday, April 10, 2021

Ice Princess (2005)

Title: Ice Princess
Rating: G
Run Time: 1 hour 38 minutes
Release Date: March 18, 2005
Genre(s): Drama
Production Co.: Walt Disney Pictures
Director: Tim Fywell
Starring: Michelle Trachtenberg, Kim Cattrall, Trevor Blumas

Who would I recommend this to?
Anyone who likes girl power movies.

What is this about?
A science geek applies physics to figure skating.

When would be a good time to watch this?
When you need a dose of family friendly girl power.

Where does it take place?
Dover, Connecticut.

Why did I decide to watch this?
I'm pretty sure I saw this in theaters. Disney, princess in the title, sparkly costumes, duh.

How did I like this?
This movie was ahead of its time in many ways. A geeky girl who isn't tormented! Girls supporting girls! Varying views on feminism! No boy drama! Yes, there's kissing, of course.

Have you seen Ice Princess? What did you think?
If not, would you watch it?


  1. I had seen Ice Princess but I can't remember anything about it. But I'm sure I had enjoyed it. I used to love watching ice skating and there really aren't that many movie with that.

    Maybe you can link to a trailer for each movie you talk about. I like watching trailers even when I don't like the movie.

    Have a lovely day.

    My A-Z posts are here.

  2. Love the idea of the plot and Michelle Trachtenberg is adorable, I think she is fantastic.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side: 2021: The A to Z of Monsters
