Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Your Lie in April (2014-15)

Title: Your Lie in April
Rating: TV-14
Run Time: 22 minutes
Release Date: September 1, 2014
Genre(s): Anime, Drama, Series
Production Co.: A-1 Pictures
Starring: Natsuki Hanae, Risa Taneda, Ayane Sakura

Who would I recommend this to?
Everyone, as long as you can handle death and despair. Plus depictions of child abuse.

What is this about?
A fourteen-year-old piano prodigy has been out of the spotlight for two years following his mother's death, until a violinist pushes him back into the music scene.

When would be a good time to watch this?
Whenever you have 8ish hours to have your heart torn out, put back together, torn out again...

Where does it take place?

Why did I decide to watch this?
I've been wanting to get into anime, and this seemed like a good one to start with.

How did I like this?
First impression, the animation is so pretty. And there's some really amazing effects that pop in as we get into Kousei's head.

I was concerned at first about how pushy Kaori was about getting Kousei to play again. Clearly this boy has some trauma surrounding the piano. Thankfully, this is addressed early on, and I was able to settle into this narrative about him going back to what he dedicated his entire childhood to. It certainly messed with my emotions, because I couldn't decide if I wanted Kousei to play competitively again, or be like EFF YOU to his mother's memory. She was emotionally manipulative and physically abusive, but was also his piano teacher. It's all very emotionally complex.

It's clear from the beginning that this one is not going to have a happy ending, but I wasn't quite prepared for this roller coaster. It was amazing to watching how many lives Kousei touched without even realizing it. And all of those people ultimately help him take back his life.

Have you seen Your Lie in April? What did you think?
If not, would you watch it?

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