Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Room Camp (2020)

Title: Room Camp
Rating: PG-13
Run Time: 3 minutes
Release Date: January 6, 2020
Genre(s): Anime, Series, Adventure
Production Co.: C-Station
Director: Masato Jinbo
Starring: Yumiri Hanamori, Aki Toyosaki, Sayuri Hara

Who would I recommend this to?
Laid-Back Camp fans who want more cute stuff.

What is this about?
Girls traveling around their town.

When would be a good time to watch this?
After the first season of Laid-Back Camp and when you want some bite-sized fun.

Where does it take place?
Yamanashi, Japan.

Why did I decide to watch this?
I enjoyed Laid-Back Camp.

How did I like this?
These shorts are super cute, but would have made a fun full episode as well.

Have you seen Room Camp? What did you think?
If not, would you watch it?

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