Saturday, May 2, 2020

Reflections on Blogging From A to Z Challenge 2020

Well, it looks like I survived my second Blogging From A to Z Challenge! This year my theme was Disney+! With the exception of R, since Ralph Breaks the Internet was on Netflix. But it's a Disney movie and it's listed on Disney+; it's just not streaming due to contracts.

I had a lot of fun watching all of these movies and series, and I'll definitely join again next year if I have time. Meanwhile, I'm working on a (not-so) mini challenge for myself: tackling the Marvel Cinematic Universe! There were 20 movies currently out for my viewing pleasure (plus 3 that aren't available on Disney+, Netflix, or Amazon Prime), so keep an eye out for those posts all month long!

June on the blog will be all 19 seasons of Degrassi: The Next Generation plus the 4 seasons of Degrassi: Next Class! Rewatching this show has been such a joy and an emotional roller coaster. Certainly more enjoyable than that MCU binge.

After that? Who knows?! I'm hooked on Disney+ though, so you can probably expect more Disney movie posts.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on completing the challenge! .... I applaud you for being hooked....I think I'm the only person I know who cries at a lot of Disney movies. My family makes fun of me!
