Title: House of the Dragon - Season 1
Rating: TV-MA
Run Time: 1 hour
Release Date: August 21, 2022
Genre(s): Fantasy, Drama, Series
Production Co.: Home Box Office
Starring: Emma D'Arcy, Matt Smith, Eve Best
Who would I recommend this to?
GoT fans.
What is this about?
Political turmoil in House Targaryen.
When would be a good time to watch this?
Whenever you have 10 hours for drama.
Where does it take place?
King's Landing, Westeros.
Why did I decide to watch this?
Because I was curious, and loved Got pre-final season.
How did I like this?
The first three episodes were kind of boring, but after that it really picks up! Episodes four and eight were easily my favorite of the season. If you're looking for more GoT, this is not really it, but it's interesting in its own right. It has a much narrower focus, which makes it a bit easier to follow. Other than everyone having the same name.
Have you seen House of the Dragon? What did you think?
If not, would you watch it?